#!/usr/bin/env bash # The purpose of this script is to setup our print-scan server on a blank Armbian. # This script is to be run as root. # (Keep in mind that default root password is 1234) # Flash SBC's SD with Armbian and clone this repository in /root # YOU SHOULD REMOVE THIS SCRIPT AFTER SETUP # Functions init() { echo "Starting initialization" echo $fqdn > /etc/hostname sed -i -e "s/$default_hostname/$fqdn $hostname/g" /etc/hosts localectl set-keymap $keymap timedatectl set-timezone $timezone systemctl disable apt-daily-upgrade.timer } install_packages() { echo "Starting packages installation" sed -i -e "s/$deb_apt_default_repo/$deb_apt_repo/g" /etc/apt/sources.list apt update apt upgrade -y apt install -y vim tree tmux neofetch sane sane-utils hplip apache2 } add_users() { echo "Adding users" useradd -U -G sudo,lpadmin -m -s /bin/bash $user chmod 700 /home/$user usermod -a -G lp saned } get_conf() { # TODO when new conf-sync will be available echo "Getting configuration" sudo -H -u $user mkdir $sync_directory_path sudo -H -u $user git clone https://gitea.kto.black/adminconf/rcs-general.git $sync_directory_path/rcs-general # git clone confsync-du-futur } set_conf() { # TODO when new conf-sync will be available echo "Setting configuration" sudo -H -u $user chmod u+x $sync_directoyy_path/rcs-general/install.sh sudo -H -u $user $sync_directoyy_path/rcs-general/install.sh # deploy confsync-du-futur } set_cups_conf() { echo "Setting CUPS configuration" mv $cups_conf_path/cupsd.conf $cups_conf_path/cupsd.conf.orig cp $run_directory_path/cupsd.conf $cups_conf_path/cupsd.conf } set_sane_conf() { systemctl enable saned.socket } ssh_pubkey() { echo "Getting SSH public key" sudo -H -u $user mkdir /home/$user/.ssh sudo -H -u $user wget -P /home/$user/.ssh $remote_pubkey_location/$remote_pubkey sudo -H -u $user mv /home/$user/.ssh/$remote_pubkey /home/$user/.ssh/authorized_keys } # based on https://github.com/sbs20/scanservjs/blob/master/docs/install.md install_scanservjs() { wget -O $run_directory_path/scanservjs.tar.gz $(curl -s \ https://api.github.com/repos/sbs20/scanservjs/releases/latest | grep browser_download_url | cut -d '"' -f 4) mkdir $run_directory_path/scanservjs tar -xf scanservjs.tar.gz -C $run_directory_path/scanservjs/ sudo $run_directory_path/scanservjs/installer.sh -i rm $run_directory_path/scanservjs.tar.gz rm -r $run_directory_path/scanservjs } tls_cert() { echo "Generating TLS certificate" openssl req -newkey rsa:4096 -x509 -sha256 -days 999 -nodes -out $tls_directory/$cert -keyout $tls_directory/$cert_key -subj "/C=/ST=/L=/O=/OU=/CN=" chmod o+r $tls_directory/$cert_key } set_apache() { echo "Setting up Apache HTTP Server" cp $run_directory_path/apache-sites/scanservjs.conf $apache_sites_directory_path/ a2dissite * a2ensite scanservjs a2enmod ssl proxy proxy_http proxy_http2 } # TODO add a firewall rule to prevent access to http:8080 from other than local # Only run if the user is root if [[ $USER != 'root' ]] ; then echo "You must run this script as root!" exit 1 fi run_directory_path=$(pwd) # Set parameters default_hostname='pine64' hostname='pn1' fqdn='pn1.hr.kto.black' keymap='fr' timezone='Europe/Paris' deb_apt_default_repo='deb.debian.org' deb_apt_repo='ftp.fr.debian.org' user='alex' sync_directory_path="/home/$user/.sync" systemd_units_path='/etc/systemd/system' cups_conf_path='/etc/cups' remote_pubkey_location='https://keys.kto.black' remote_pubkey='home.pub' scanservjs_dest='/srv/scanservjs' tls_directory='/etc/ssl/' cert='cert.crt' cert_key='cert.key' apache_sites_directory_path='/etc/apache2/sites-available' # Main process # You should comment below what you do not want to happen init install_packages add_users get_conf set_conf set_cups_conf set_sane_conf ssh_pubkey install_scanservjs tls_cert set_apache echo "" echo "We're all good here!" echo "You should now:" echo "* set $user's password" echo "* lock root account" echo "* reboot the SBC" echo "And perhaps:" echo "* connect to http://$hostname:631/ and add a printer" echo "* set htop at your convenience" echo "* remove password for sudo" # TODO we should automate that, with a flag echo "* use below commands to edit SSH config:" echo " sed -i 's/PermitRootLogin yes/PermitRootLogin no/' /etc/ssh/sshd_config" echo " sed -i 's/#PasswordAuthentication yes/PasswordAuthentication no/' /etc/ssh/sshd_config" echo "* MIND THAT CONF-SYNC IS NOT SET" exit 0